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Controlling PyMol from afar

1 minute read


Do you keep downloading .pdb and .sdf files and loading them into PyMol repeatedly?

Molecular conformation generation with a DL-based force field

5 minute read


Deep learning (DL) methods in structural modelling are outcompeting force fields because they overcome the two main limitations to force fields methods – the prohibitively large search space for large systems and the limited accuracy of the description of the physics1.

  1. M. Baek and D. Baker, “Deep learning and protein structure modeling,” Nat Methods, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 13–14, Jan. 2022, doi: 10.1038/s41592-021-01360-8

Ligands of CASF-2016

1 minute read


CASF-2016 is a commonly used benchmark for docking tools. Unfortunately, some of the provided ligand files cannot be loaded using RDKit (version 2022.09.1) but there is an easy remedy.

Bad chemistry in old protein-ligand binding complex data set

1 minute read


The Astex Diverse set1 is a dataset containing the crystallized poses of 85 protein-ligand complexes. It was introduced in 2007 to address problems in previous datasets such as incorrect ligand representation.

  1. Hartshorn, M. J. et al. Diverse, high-quality test set for the validation of protein−ligand docking performance. J. Med. Chem. 50, 726–741 (2007). 



Paper Title Number 4

Published in GitHub Journal of Bugs, 2024

This paper is about fixing template issue #693.

Recommended citation: Your Name, You. (2024). "Paper Title Number 3." GitHub Journal of Bugs. 1(3).
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Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.

Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.